Dec. 16, 2024

【IoB Middleware】 BMI Development Efforts by the Sasai and Kai Teams Featured in the January 2025 Issue of Nikkei Trendy

Released on Wednesday, December 4, the January 2025 issue of Nikkei Trendy featured the research and development efforts of teams belonging to the IoB Middleware, a subproject under Moonshot Goal 1 Kanai Project “Internet of Brains (IoB).”

As part of the magazine’s first feature, “Major Predictions 2030-2050: Exploring the Next 25 Years Through Cutting-Edge Technology,” the section titled “BMI: Control Computers and Robots with Just a Thought! The Cutting Edge of Brainwave Research” introduced various research and development efforts including the AI-assisted Brain-Machine Interface (BMI). This technology, jointly developed by the team led by IoB Middleware Sub-Project Manager Dr. Shuntaro Sasai and the team led by IoB Middleware Principal Investigator Dr. Kai Arulkumaran, allows users to control robotic arms remotely using brainwaves.

For more details on the January 2025 issue of Nikkei Trendy, please visit here.