- Plan
Dec. 27, 2024IoBの研究者に聞いてみたいことを大募集!- IoB Interface
- IoB Core Technology
- IoB Middleware
- IoB Minimally Invasive
- Technology Development
- Interview
Sept. 03, 2024A New World Connected by Brainwaves:Pioneering an Ecosystem of Consciousness and Society through Science and Dialogue- Technology Development
- Interview
Aug. 27, 2024Silent Communication and AI will Change our Society:Silent Speech Enables Fusion of AI and Humans- IoB Middleware
- Report
Aug. 20, 2024[Event Report] We Exhibited at the Neuro2024 Exhibition Booth- IoB Interface
- IoB Core Technology
- IoB Middleware
- IoB Minimally Invasive
- Technology Development
- Interview
Aug. 20, 2024Aiming for a Society Where Diverse Individuals Play Active Roles:Providing Helpful Feedback for Improvement before They Recognize Mental Unwellness- IoB Interface
- Interview
Aug. 13, 2024Measuring from the Inside of the Body with a Soft EEG Device:High-Precision Measurement Using Intravascular EEG with Minimal Physical Burden- IoB Minimally Invasive
- Interview
Aug. 06, 2024Options for Expressing Thoughts:Extracting Envisioned Images Using Implantable EEG Devices- IoB Core Technology
- Interview
July 23, 2024Utilizing Consciousness in Communication:Measurement of Brain Waves during Speech Using an Ultra-High-Density EEG (Electroencephalograph)- IoB Middleware